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Uspješno završen projekt digitalne transformacije poslovanja
S ponosom objavljujemo da je naš projekt, financiran kroz Poziv na dostavu projektnih prijedloga „Vaučeri za digitalizaciju“, uspješno završen! Cilj ovog projekta bio je unaprijediti naše poslovanje kroz komunikaciju na

20 godina izvrsnosti – Skelin Mont proslavio jubilarnu obljetnicu
Sa velikom zahvalnošću i ponosom Skelin Mont je krajem listopada proslavio svojih dvadeset godina uspješnog poslovanja. Davne 2004. godine, s radom je počeo mali obiteljski obrt koji je kontinuiranim radom,

Skelin Mont carpentry at the luxurious Maslina Resort
Skelin Mont showed all its potential and strength at the thoughtfully designed luxury project MASLINA RESORT on Hvar. Maslina Resort, normally the holder of the Relais & Châteaux label, is the work of several artists and

3 GRAF SYNERGY welding machines arrived in Skelin Mont
Powerful machines have arrived at the Skelin Mont production facility that will enable the production of even better and better quality carpentry: 3 GRAF SYNERGY welding machines, which are characterized by specific processing of profiles before welding. Carpentry

Skelin Mont participated in the RaSTEM project
As part of the RaSTEM - Regional Science Center project, in the first half of February, Skelin Mont hosted numerous students from 7 elementary schools from the area of the city of Šibenik and the county. She was

In our 19 years of work, we have acquired stable and quality partners as well as true friends with whom we are extremely pleased to cooperate and share daily challenges. He is exactly like that